Buzztime at Kiley’s Grill in Chandler, Arizona

What’s the buzz surrounding Kiley’s Grill in Chandler, Arizona?  Join us any day of the week and play the most popular trivia game around. Buzztime is an interactive trivia game in which players use a “playmaker” keypad to answer questions or play games.  The questions or games are displayed on a television screen and players go toe to toe with other Kiley’s restaurant goers.  Buzztime is fun for the whole family.

Since Buzztime began in 1985 it has been a hit at restaurants around the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean.  There are plenty different types of trivia for everyone to answer so no one will be left out of this fast paced and exciting trivia game.

Trivia subjects include pop culture, entertainment, sports, music, geography, world history and many more topics to please everyone.  Buzztime is not limited to only trivia questions.  Texas Hold ‘em is also played on Buzztime at Kiley’s Grill and is a crowd favorite.  So, if you have been itching to play a little poker but haven’t found the courage to play up close and personal with your opponents, come out to Kiley’s and give Buzztime a shot to test your skills.

Don’t miss your chance to score bragging rights by beating family, friend, and strangers playing Buzztime at Kiley’s Grill in Chandler, Arizona.

Kiley’s Grill in Chandler, Arizona is a perfect place to test your trivia skills and also enjoy plenty of other activities such as:

Golden Tee Video Game Chandler Arizona

UFC Fights Chandler AZ

Mention this Blog and Receive $5 in Kiley’s Bucks.

~ by kileysgrill on July 13, 2011.

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